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eighth semester造句

"eighth semester"是什么意思  
  • Adopting the training pattern of “ theory - practice - retheory - repractice - summary ” , the main task of the first four semesters is to learn theory at school supplemented with relevant practice ; attaching importance to learning theory in the first half of the fifth semester , laying focus on the skills training and with a practical course being finished in the latter half of the fifth semester ; strengthening the studying of specialty in the first half of the sixth and seventh semester , with students practicing as substitutes in the foreign trade institutions & enterprises at the latter half semester ; in the eighth semester , on the basis of practicing as substitutes , students should complete the graduation fieldworks and graduation papers combining with actual posts
    采用“理论? ?实践? ?再理论? ?再实践? ?专业岗位总结”培养模式,第一、二、三、四学期以校内理论学习为主,辅之以课程实验实训;第五学期的前半学期以专业理论学习为主,后半学期在校内集中进行专业操作技能训练,并完成一门专业实践课程的学习;第六、七学期前半学期强化专业学习,后半学期在外贸机构和企业顶岗实习;第八学期在顶岗实习的基础上结合岗位实际完成毕业实习和毕业论文的撰写。
  • It's difficult to see eighth semester in a sentence. 用eighth semester造句挺难的
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